Specialists in offshore telecom design, engineering and project management.

We perform planning, design, engineering and project management of all kind of projects. Whether it is offshore platforms, FPSO's or wind turbines, both greenfield and brownfield.


Offshore Telecom Systems


Our competence includes most telecom systems used offshore, like:

PAGA, PABX/Telephone system, Data Network, CCTV System, Personell Registration System,GMDSS, TETRA UHF, VHF/FM og VHF/AM, Entertainment System, Positioning systems (RADIUS, Fan Beam, MRU, AIS, DGPS, etc.), Meteorological system, Marine Radar, Bird Monitoring System, Oil Spill Detection Systems, Radio Link, Wifi link, Fiber Optical Link (MPLS, WDM, DWDM), Communication Dispatch Systems, Telecom Power supply Systems, Video conference system, etc...


5G and IIoT

Design, engineering and management of private 5G Radio Access Network (RAN), both in Ex and non-Ex zone.

Design, engineering and management of Industrial IoT, also in Ex and non-Ex zone.

Project management with Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) for your 5G and IIoT project.

Proficient in all telecom related regulations and requirements


Norwegian Laws, Rules and Regulations

Offshore development is ultimately governed by Petroleumsloven (Lov av 29. nov. 1996 nr 72 om petroleumsvirksomhet).

The key regulatory institutions are:

• NPD, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (Oljedirektoratet) reporting to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE)

• PSA, the Petroleum Safety Agency (Petroleumstilsynet) reporting to the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

• Klif, the Climate and Pollution Agency (Klima- og Forurensnings-direktoratet) reporting to the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment

National codes, regulations and standards:

PSA regulations, NORSOK, Equinor Teqnical Regulations (TR’s), NEK

International codes, regulations and standards:


Certified by Norwegian Communication Authority - NKOM


Geir Nyheim

Telecom Specialist

Schjelderup Technology

mail: post@schjelderup-technology.com

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